I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was good. My daughter and son-in-law flew in and my son and two of the three grandkiddos were here for Christmas Day. Though a bit chaotic, it was wonderful to have them here.
On to goals—
Some people don’t like setting goals because they feel too confining and too much pressure. For me, they help me focus, and I have something to aim for. Like the old saying goes, Shoot for the stars (or moon). You might not make it there, but you will soar higher than if you had never tried. (I couldn’t find a specific author for this variation, but it’s close to Norman Vincent Peale’s quote “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” So, I guess this version is mine, Mary Davis.)
Each goal should have the caveat attached to the end . . . “Stated goal” or something better.
So, how did I do on my 2024 goals? Overall, I’m pleased. Here is a quick recap.
2024 Goals
~~ I will Publish 1st-Cousin-Once-Removed Mary Linn’s Novel with or without a photo of her.
I, finally, did get this published in November of 2024. Yay! It’s titled Unpuzzling the Past. Mary’s sister Sarah is thrilled.
eBook https://books2read.com/u/bpkj6l
Paperback https://www.amazon.com/Unpuzzling-Past-Mary-L-Chase/dp/B0DM48K26X/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
~~ I will Write 100,000-ish words or more.
I did manage to eek out 100,050 words.
~~ I WILL Finish Writing Silver Bells, a Christmas Novella.
I finished it and ran it through my critique group.
~~ I will write a rough draft of book 3 in my time travel series.
I did not get it written. However, I started an additional book in my Quilting Circle series.
~~ I will Participate in NaNoWriMo in November.
I participated but didn’t reach 50,000 words. Other life things came up, but I did get 15,000 words written. I also participated in CampNaNoWriMo in April and July.
~~ I will Complete a Proposal.
This didn’t happen.
~~ I will Complete HHH Posts by the 10th of Each Month.
I made this one and was actually several months ahead when my husband passed away, so I didn’t have to worry about writing them until after the first of the year. Now, I need to get back to them.
Non-writing goals:
~~I will Do a Bible study on the book of Revelation and one on the Holy Spirit.
I met these two goals.
~~I will Continue trying to get regular exercise by walking or by running up and down the stairs as well as continuing Intermittent Fasting. Yep.
And finally, I will Continue to go through boxes. Yep, but I still have many, many to go.
On to 2025 Goals
~~Complete time travel proposal. I’m determined to get this done this year and sent off to my agent.
~~Edit Deep Breath (Time Travel book 2).
~~Write 50,000-ish plus words. Because I need to figure out AI book covers so I can re-release some of my backlist, I cut back on word count for this year.
~~Participate in NaNoWriMo & Camp NaNoWriMo, as usual. This is the same as previous years. NaNoWriMo stands for NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth. Each year in November, thousands of writers all over the world make a mad dash to write 50,000 words in 30 days. My goal says “participate” not win. If I write 50,000 words or less than 50,000 words, I can still meet this goal by participating. CampNaNoWriMo in April and July are low pressure because you set your own goal, and a lot of fun. A good way to get started with NaNoWriMo.
~~Plot Flash Forward (Time Travel book 3).
~~Write rough draft of Flash Forward. I’m hoping to do this for NaNoWriMo in November.
~~Rerelease 3+ backlist books. I have the rights back to many of my books and want to re-release them. First, I need to figure out how to create covers using AI.
~~Complete HHH Posts by the 10th of each month.
~~Complete one or more additional proposals. I don’t know for what, but I have all year to figure that out.
Non-writing goals:
~~I will Do a Bible study on Prayer. I bought four books on prayer and plan to go through each one to improve my prayer life.
My word for 2025 is Recover.
Do you have a word for 2025?
I hope you all are successful in meeting your goals in 2025. =0)
And I pray this year is happy and healthy, and may you find joy in the little things. =0)
For more information on how to set achievable, measurable, and controllable goals, you can reference my blog post on it HERE or click the link https://marydavisbooks.blogspot.com/2019/12/tuesday-tidbits-2020-goal-setting.html
1990s Cozy Mystery
Written by Mary L. Chase, Edited By Mary Davis
When secrets and lies are uncovered, will Mar be able to put the pieces together to learn the truth? A year after her mom’s death, Margaret “Mar” Ross discovers the proverbial skeleton in the closet. Most families have a secret or two. Some are best left in the dark. Others need to be brought into the light of day to heal old wounds. With the help of her best friend, a lawyer, and a handsome doctor, Mar is determined to hunt down all the facts. When she does, will she find what she’s searching for? Or should she let this puzzle R.I.P.?