Tuesday, August 23, 2022


I was going to lament on my terrible Saturday, where the harder I tried to do better the worse it got. I just wanted to go to bed and hope the next day would be better. But I don’t like to complain (much) and try to be positive. (It’s hard some times.) So, I’m turning my back on the bad day to look toward the good.

On Sunday, our almost-eight-year-old granddaughter sang Happy Birthday to her grandpa over FaceTime. So stinking adorable!!! If that don’t make you smile, nothing will. I can’t wait until we can visit and hug her and her younger sister and brother. My grandma heart aches to hold them.

In other good news, I have found several nonfiction books that are helping me in various areas of my emotional, mental, and spiritual life. Some times with nonfiction I nodded in agreement all through the book, feel enriched, and move on. Three of these that I have read over the past six-ish weeks are ones I want to re-read, do some in-depth studying on them, and put stuff into practice.

One of the books is A Grace Disguised: How the Souls Grows Through Loss by Jerry Sittser. This one is helping me with my grief over losing my son eight years ago. He lost his three-year battle with cancer. I still miss him but will see him again in heaven. But I haven’t fully grieved because I felt I would have a melt down I wouldn’t be able to recover from. Couple that with several other incredibly depressing and huge, hard things as well as depression and I’ve been struggling on many fronts. With the encouragement and strength I found in this book, I think I’m ready to tackle this area.

Next is The 10 Best Anxiety Busters: Simple Strategies to Take Control of Your Worry by Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg. I like that she describes three different types of anxiety so the reader can figure out which kind they are dealing with. Then she gives the 10 anxiety busters with examples and which busters work best for which type of anxiety. I need to go back and learn, in depth, each buster so I am prepared when the anxiety and panic attacks so that I can deal with it. I have been battling a generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks for many, many years. It is overwhelming and debilitating. Often the struggle is daily even when there isn’t anything to be anxious about. Generalized anxiety routinely doesn’t make any sense, even to me. This book gives me hope to be able to cope better with my anxiety and panic attacks.

The third is Glory Days: Living Your Promised Land Life Now by Max Lucado. I love Max’s books and have read many, many. There isn’t a Max book I’ve read that I haven’t loved. This one goes through the book of Joshua. As I read, I saw how it paralleled my life. The fears I have and needing to cross the Jordon and enter the promised land the Lord has for me. I’m tired of wandering in this desert. The time has come. It might not be smooth and there might be some set backs, but working through my grief and anxiety gives me hope that I’m ready. I can almost hear the Lord giving a great big sigh. “It’s about time. I have been waiting for you, My child.”

I’m currently read, yet another non fiction book, called The Path of Celtic Prayer: An Ancient Way to Everyday Joy by Calvin Miller. I want to be better at praying but have snippets floating around in my head that religious people have said about how to pray the right way, and they have been hampering me. If there is a “right” way to pray, then that means there is a “wrong” way. The only wrong way is to not pray at all. I hope this book will help. However, my interest in this book is two fold, it seems to be one part prayer and one part learning more about my heritage. I’m Scottish, English, Irish, and other, lots of Celtic in me. So this book is helping me connect to my ancestors.

After that, I hope to return to my to-be-read fiction pile. Or perhaps, I’ll dive into one or two of the historical research books I have checked out from the library. So much interesting stuff.

Have read any interesting non-fiction books lately?



THE LADY’S MISSION (Quilting Circle 5)

Will Cordelia abandon her calling for love? Cordelia Armstrong wants nothing more than to escape the social norms for her station in society. Unless she can skillfully maneuver her father into giving up control of her trust fund, she might have to concede defeat—as well as her freedom—and marry. Every time Lamar Kesner finds a fascinating lady, her heart belongs to another. When a vapid socialite is offered up as a prospective bride, he contemplates flying off in his hot air balloon instead. Is Lamar the one to finally break the determination of Cordelia’s parents to marry her off? Or will this charming bachelor fly away with her heart?


Available for pre-order on Amazon. (Releases October 5, 2022)

MARY DAVIS, bestselling, award-winning novelist, has over thirty titles in both historical and contemporary themes. Her latest release is THE DÉBUTANTE'S SECRET (Quilting Circle 4) THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Quilting Circle 3) is a Selah Award Winner. Some of her other recent titles include; The Widow’s Plight, The Daughter's Predicament,Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in The MISSAdventure Brides Collection , Prodigal Daughters Amish series, and "Bygones" in Thimbles and Threads. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of thirty-seven years and one cat. She has three adult children and three incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits: WANTED: LADY’S MAID


Must have a comprehensive knowledge of fashion and changing trends; expertly coif high society lady’s hair; sew, mend, and complete alterations; remove all manner of stains from every kind of fabric, including shoes, handbags, and furs; must be able to keep track of all the lady’s belongings and see to it none of them are out of place or missing; bring a breakfast tray to her mistress’s room or other requested meals; draw a perfect bath; and always, always conduct herself as a lady in all situations.

Basically, a lady’s maid had to be able to do everything. She wore many hats and attended to her mistress’s every need, want, or whim. She was the one person who was allowed in the mistress’s chambers except for cleaning. A chambermaid who came in to dust and clean floors must do so when the mistress was out and should never be seen in the room by the mistress. A high level of trust developed between a mistress and her lady’s maid.


In the series Downton Abbey, they showed the high level of trust between Lady Mary and her lady's maid, as well as the lady's maid being at her mistress's beck and call in this scene.




Lady’s maids enjoyed a somewhat improved social status to other servants but not as high as a lady’s companion. Though a lady’s maid might begin her official work after the rest of the household staff, she is at the beck and call of her mistress, regardless of the hour. She must ensure her mistress’s privacy in everyday situations and on the occasions the mistress falls ill. A lady’s maid’s work is rarely ever done.

A lady’s maid’s day might look something like this:


   ~Rise early enough to ensure she is up and dressed before her mistress wakes.

   ~Wake her mistress at a specified time if desired.

   ~After her mistress’s morning ablutions (washing up), she will help with dressing and doing her hair.


   ~Once the lady is all put together and has vacated her chambers for the day, the first order of business for the lady’s maid is to air the room by pulling back drapes, opening windows, and drawing apart bed curtains.

   ~The lady’s maid will then tidy the room by putting away anything that was used for washing up and getting dressed. The room must be returned to its original state, as though nothing had been touched. Clean wash basins, glasses, and water jugs of soap scum and fingerprints. If a stray thread has landed on the carpet, this, too, must be removed.


   ~She will then wash hair combs, remove stains from clothes, starch any clothing that needs it, and various other duties.

   ~Next comes the needle and thread work of mending, darning, and other sewing tasks. The lady’s maid must sort through the soiled clothes for anything that needs repair before being sent out to the laundress. She will determine if an article is beyond use so it can be discarded.


   ~She must also keep meticulous inventory of ALL of her mistress’s pieces of clothing to ensure that everything which is sent out to be cleaned returns. This includes writing up a list of costs on each garment’s upkeep. Being the steward of her mistress’s belongings, she must pay close attention to everything that leaves the room.


   ~Once her duties are completed, she can improve her mind with reading or spend some time sewing. Her evenings can often be for leisure until her mistress needs to change her clothes or get undressed at the end of the day. Once again, everything must be put to rights. She doesn’t get to sleep until her mistress does.

   ~Because she is afforded privileges other household staff aren’t and she has the mistress’s ear, she is often the subject of jealously from her peers.


Being a lady’s maid isn’t the simple job it might appear to be at first glance, but these women have many talents and skills. I don’t think I would have been very good at the job. I would probably get fired the first day.

In The Débutante’s Secret (Quilting Circle 4), Geneviève Marseille is in need of a lady’s maid, but they are in short supply in Kamola. Deputy Montana comes to the rescue by suggesting his sister for the job.




THE LADY’S MISSION (Quilting Circle 5)

Will Cordelia abandon her calling for love? Cordelia Armstrong wants nothing more than to escape the social norms for her station in society. Unless she can skillfully maneuver her father into giving up control of her trust fund, she might have to concede defeat—as well as her freedom—and marry. Every time Lamar Kesner finds a fascinating lady, her heart belongs to another. When a vapid socialite is offered up as a prospective bride, he contemplates flying off in his hot air balloon instead. Is Lamar the one to finally break the determination of Cordelia’s parents to marry her off? Or will this charming bachelor fly away with her heart?


Available for pre-order on Amazon. (Releases October 5, 2022)


MARY DAVIS, bestselling, award-winning novelist, has over thirty titles in both historical and contemporary themes. Her latest release is THE DÉBUTANTE'S SECRET (Quilting Circle 4) THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Quilting Circle 3) is a Selah Award Winner. Some of her other recent titles include; The Widow’s Plight, The Daughter's Predicament,Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in The MISSAdventure Brides Collection , Prodigal Daughters Amish series, and "Bygones" in Thimbles and Threads. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of thirty-seven years and one cat. She has three adult children and three incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:

Friday, August 5, 2022

Friday's FInally Here: COVER REVEAL!

Drum roll please! Here it is. THE LADY’S MISSION cover!

Will Cordelia abandon her calling for love?


Cordelia Armstrong wants nothing more than to escape the social norms for her station in society that require her to look pretty and do as she is told. However, unless she can skillfully maneuver her father into giving up control of her trust fund, she might have to concede defeat—as well as her freedom—and marry. To ward off potential suitors, she puts on a giggly persona.


Every time Lamar Kesner finds a fascinating lady, her heart belongs to another. He doesn’t merely want a beautiful wife. He wants an intriguing partner with intelligence and wit. Is he asking too much of any woman? When a vapid socialite is offered up as a prospective bride, he contemplates flying off in his hot air balloon instead.


Is Lamar the one to finally break the determination of Cordelia’s parents to marry her off? Or will this charming bachelor fly away with her heart?


It’s available for pre-order HERE on Amazon.



Historical Romance Series

By Mary Davis

THE WIDOW’S PLIGHT (Book1) – Will a secret clouding a single mother’s past cost Lily the man she loves?

THE DAUGHTER’S PREDICAMENT (Book2) *2020 Selah Awards Finalist & WRMA Finalist* – As Isabelle’s romance prospects are turning in her favor, a family scandal derails her dreams.

THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Book3) *2021 Selah Awards Winner& WRMA Finalist*– Nicole heads down the mountain to fetch herself a husband. Can she learn to be enough of a lady to snag the handsome rancher?

THE DÉBUTANTE’S SECRET (Book4) –Complications arise when a fancy French lady, Geneviève, steps off the train and into Deputy Montana’s arms.

THE LADY’S MISSION (Book5) – Will Cordelia abandon her calling for love? (Releases October 5, 2022)


MARY DAVIS, bestselling, award-winning novelist, has over thirty titles in both historical and contemporary themes. Her latest release is THE DÉBUTANTE'S SECRET (Quilting Circle 4) THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Quilting Circle 3) is a Selah Award Winner. Some of her other recent titles include; The Widow’s Plight, The Daughter's Predicament,Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in The MISSAdventure Brides Collection , Prodigal Daughters Amish series, and "Bygones" in Thimbles and Threads. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of thirty-seven years and one cat. She has three adult children and three incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:



Thursday, August 4, 2022


Tomorrow the cover will be revealed. Here are two more little pieces of the cover to whet your appetite.


Every time Lamar Kesner finds a fascinating lady, her heart belongs to another. He doesn’t merely want a beautiful wife. He wants an intriguing partner with intelligence and wit. Is he asking too much of any woman? When a vapid socialite is offered up as a prospective bride, he contemplates flying off in his hot air balloon instead.


Historical Romance Series

By Mary Davis

THE WIDOW’S PLIGHT (Book1) – Will a secret clouding a single mother’s past cost Lily the man she loves?

THE DAUGHTER’S PREDICAMENT (Book2) *2020 Selah Awards Finalist & WRMA Finalist* – As Isabelle’s romance prospects are turning in her favor, a family scandal derails her dreams.

THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Book3) *2021 Selah Awards Winner& WRMA Finalist*– Nicole heads down the mountain to fetch herself a husband. Can she learn to be enough of a lady to snag the handsome rancher?

THE DÉBUTANTE’S SECRET (Book4) –Complications arise when a fancy French lady, Geneviève, steps off the train and into Deputy Montana’s arms.

THE LADY’S MISSION (Book5) – Will Cordelia abandon her calling for love? (Releases October 5, 2022)


MARY DAVIS, bestselling, award-winning novelist, has over thirty titles in both historical and contemporary themes. Her latest release is THE DÉBUTANTE'S SECRET (Quilting Circle 4) THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Quilting Circle 3) is a Selah Award Winner. Some of her other recent titles include; The Widow’s Plight, The Daughter's Predicament,Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in The MISSAdventure Brides Collection , Prodigal Daughters Amish series, and "Bygones" in Thimbles and Threads. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of thirty-seven years and one cat. She has three adult children and three incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:



Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Two more days until the cover is revealed. Here are two little pieces of the cover to whet your appetite.


Cordelia Armstrong wants nothing more than to escape the social norms for her station in society that require her to look pretty and do as she is told. However, unless she can skillfully maneuver her father into giving up control of her trust fund, she might have to concede defeat—as well as her freedom—and marry. To ward off potential suitors, she puts on a giggly persona.


Is Lamar the one to finally break the determination of Cordelia’s parents to marry her off? Or will this charming bachelor fly away with her heart?



Historical Romance Series

By Mary Davis

THE WIDOW’S PLIGHT (Book1) – Will a secret clouding a single mother’s past cost Lily the man she loves?

THE DAUGHTER’S PREDICAMENT (Book2) *2020 Selah Awards Finalist & WRMA Finalist* – As Isabelle’s romance prospects are turning in her favor, a family scandal derails her dreams.

THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Book3) *2021 Selah Awards Winner& WRMA Finalist*– Nicole heads down the mountain to fetch herself a husband. Can she learn to be enough of a lady to snag the handsome rancher?

THE DÉBUTANTE’S SECRET (Book4) –Complications arise when a fancy French lady, Geneviève, steps off the train and into Deputy Montana’s arms.

THE LADY’S MISSION (Book5) – Will Cordelia abandon her calling for love? (Releases October 5, 2022)


MARY DAVIS, bestselling, award-winning novelist, has over thirty titles in both historical and contemporary themes. Her latest release is THE DÉBUTANTE'S SECRET (Quilting Circle 4) THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Quilting Circle 3) is a Selah Award Winner. Some of her other recent titles include; The Widow’s Plight, The Daughter's Predicament,Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in The MISSAdventure Brides Collection , Prodigal Daughters Amish series, and "Bygones" in Thimbles and Threads. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of thirty-seven years and one cat. She has three adult children and three incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:



Tuesday Tidbits: CRISCO-A New Era in Lard

Lard? Or shortening?   What’s the difference?   A whole lot and not much.   To understand Crisco, I needed to understand what lard was. I he...