Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tuesday Tidbits: MY HERO

Last week, after completing my blog posts, my seven-and-a-half-year-old hard drive went kaput. Dead. A goner. Departed. Perished. Pushing up daisies. Or would it be pushing up gigabytes?


My husband removed the lifeless piece of hardware and connected it up to various other computers in an attempt to recover the data for me.


All gone. No heartbeat or blinky light. And it took all my data with it.

“Mary, why are you telling us such a tragic and sad story?”

Because it’s not as sad and tragic as it sounds. Surprisingly, I lost very little actual data. We had bought a backup drive a while back, but I forget to use it regularly—

Hold on a moment while I plug it in and back up my recent work.

All right, I’m back. Everything’s safe now.

Where was I? Yes, remembering to back up my work. I receive a reminder every ten days that I haven’t backed up in ten days, so I plug it in and backup my computer. I did so on that Monday. So when when it crashed on Wednesday, I lost only about 48 hours worth of work. But not even that. Monday afternoon I wrote my Tuesday blog in Scrivener then copied and pasted it into Blogger and made it all pretty. On Tuesday, I did the same thing with Wednesday’s blog post. Though those posts are no longer on my computer, they are saved on Blogger, so I’ll copy and paste them back into my Scrivener blogging project when I have time. Which left only Wednesday’s work to recreate. So in all, I didn’t loose much. I’m sooooo happy about that.

When my hard drive failed, I didn’t have another computer with a big enough hard drive to load all my computer stuff onto from my backup drive.

This is where the hero part comes in. Because money is super-duper tight right now, my hubby keeps an eye on Craig’s List and various type places for computer components. For a week and a half or more, he’d been eyeing an uber-cheap hard drive & RAM combo. It was still available, so he contacted the seller, a meeting time was set, and my hero drove two hours to get it and two hours back! The same day my hard rive crashed!

He put it in my computer, did some computer magic, and loaded my stuff from my backup drive, and did more computer magic to make sure everything worked.

My computer writing this blog post.

So, I was without my computer for only about 24 hours! He’s so awesome! Without his mad computer skills, I wouldn’t have been able to afford to get back up and running. This post and any future posts would not be created.


THE WIDOW'S PLIGHT ~ A sweet historical romance that will tug at your heart. This is book 1 in the Quilting Circle series.
Washington State, 1893
     When Lily Lexington Bremmer arrives in Kamola with her young son, she’s reluctant to join the social center of her new community, the quilting circle, but the friendly ladies pull her in. She begins piecing a sunshine and shadows quilt because it mirrors her life. She has a secret that lurks in the shadows and hopes it doesn’t come out into the light. Dark places in her past are best forgotten, but her new life is full of sunshine. Will her secrets cast shadows on her bright future?
     Widower Edric Hammond and his father are doing their best to raise his two young daughters. He meets Lily and her son when they arrive in town and helps her find a job and a place to live. Lily resists Edric’s charms at first but finds herself falling in love with this kind, gentle man and his two darling daughters. Lily has stolen his heart with her first warm smile, but he’s cautious about bringing another woman into his girls’ lives due to the harshness of their own mother.
     Can Edric forgive Lily her past to take hold of a promising chance at love?
THE WIDOW'S PLIGHT is now available for pre-order at only $2.99--the low price for pre-orders...later it will go up. A sweet historical romance that will tug at your heart. This book releases in ebook on July 1, and will be out in paperback by mid-June.

#ChristianRomance #HistoricalRomance #Romance

MARY DAVIS is a bestselling, award-winning novelist of over two dozen titles in both historical and contemporary themes. She has five titles releasing in 2018; "Holly & Ivy" in A Bouquet of Brides Collection in January, Courting Her Amish Heart in March, The Widow’s Plight in July, Courting Her Secret Heart September, & “Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in MISSAdventure Brides Collection in December. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of over thirty-three years and two cats. She has three adult children and one incredibly adorable grandchild. Find her online at:
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