Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Tuesday Tidbits: HOMOPHONES

In third grade, my teacher had the class do an activity with homophones. On a bulletin board she had a large, bare tree—just the trunk and branches. Each day, she would ask if anyone knew a new homophone: those words that are pronounced the same but spelled differently and have different meanings. If a student could spell both (or all three) words correctly and define each one (or use the word in a sentence to show they knew what the word meant), then those words would be written on a leaf and put on the Homophone Tree. 

I’ve thought about that activity and tree off and on over the years. So, I decided to see how many homophones I could come up with on my own, from my own brain without looking them up online. I surprised myself at how many I thought of. I’m sure I missed some easy ones, but I’m not going to get down on myself for the ones I didn’t think of, but CELEBRATE the ones I did get. I just needed to do this exercise long enough for my brain to be satisfied and move on to other things. I didn’t find a pair for every letter, so I hope my brain will let this go. 

I thought of several three word groups but no four words groups. I chose not to include people or place names and stuck to English words. I realize that with different accents, some of my words groups may not be all pronounced the same, and likewise, there might be others who would include other groups by the way they pronounce words. That makes for nice variety. =0)

So here is my list:


Ad // Add

Air // Heir // Err

All // Awl

Ant // Aunt

Ate // Eight 


Bail // Bale

Ball // Bawl

Bare // Bear

Be // Bee

Beat // Beet

Bite // Byte

Blue // Blew

Boar // Bore

Board // Bored

Boarder // Border

Bow // Beau

Brake // Break

But // Butt

By // Bye // Buy


Carrot // Karat

Cash // Cache

Caught // Cot

Ceiling // Sealing

Cellar // Seller

Close // Clothes

Coat // Cote

Colonel // Kernel

Cord // Cored

Course // Coarse

Creak // Creek


Dawn // Don

Do // Due // Dew

Doe // Dough

Dye // Die


Eight // Ate


Fair // Fare

Feet // Feat

Find // Fined

Fir // Fur

For // Four // Fore

Flew // Flu // Flue


Gel // Jell

Great // Grate

Guest // Guessed


Hail // Hale

Hair // Hare

Hall // Haul

Hay // Hey

Heal //Heel

Heard // Herd

Here // Hear

Hi // High

Hole // Whole

Holy // Wholly 


I // Eye // Aye

Its // It’s

Isle // Aisle


Jam // Jamb

Jeans // Genes


Key // Cay


Lam // Lamb

Lead // Led

Liar // Lyre

Lie // Lye

Light // Lite


Mail // Male

Main // Mane

Mantle // Mantel

Marry // Merry

Mat // Matte

Mead // Meed

Medal // Mettle

Mind // Mined

Moat // Mote

More // Moor


Nay // Neigh

Need // Knead

New // Knew

No // Know

None // Nun

Not // Knot // Naught


One // Won

Or // Oar // Ore


Pail // Pale

Pain // Pane

Pair // Pear // Pare

Peak // Peek // Pique

Peal // Peel

Pedal // Petal

Peer // Pier

Per // Purr

Plate // Plait

Poll // Pole

Poor // Pore

Pray // Prey


Queue // Cue


Rain // Rein // Reign

Read // Reed

Read // Red

Real // Reel

Road // Rode

Roll // Role

Rough // Ruff

Row // Roe


Sail // Sale

Sea // Sea

Seam // Seem

Seas // Sees // Seize

Shoe // Shoo

Shutter // Shudder

Size // Sighs

Sight // Site

So // Sew // Sow

Soar // Sore

Some // Sum

Soul // Sole

Stair // Stare

Stalk // Stock

Steal // Steel

Summery // Summary


Tail // Tale

Taut // Taught

Tea // Tee

Tear // Tare

There // Their // They’re

Through // Threw

Tied // Tide

To // Two // Too

Toe // Tow



Vail // Vale // Veil

Vain // Vane // Vein


Wail // Whale // Wale

Wait // Weight

Walk // Wok

War // Wore

Way // Weigh

Wear // Ware // Where

Weather // Whether

What // Watt

Which // Witch

Whine // Wine

Would // Wood

Write // Right // Rite



You // Ewe

Your // You’re


I didn't know I knew so many. This was fun! =0)

THE WIDOW'S PLIGHT ~ A sweet historical romance that will tug at your heart. This is book 1 in the Quilting Circle series.
Washington State, 1893
     When Lily Lexington Bremmer arrives in Kamola with her young son, she’s reluctant to join the social center of her new community, the quilting circle, but the friendly ladies pull her in. She begins piecing a sunshine and shadows quilt because it mirrors her life. She has a secret that lurks in the shadows and hopes it doesn’t come out into the light. Dark places in her past are best forgotten, but her new life is full of sunshine. Will her secrets cast shadows on her bright future?
     Widower Edric Hammond and his father are doing their best to raise his two young daughters. He meets Lily and her son when they arrive in town and helps her find a job and a place to live. Lily resists Edric’s charms at first but finds herself falling in love with this kind, gentle man and his two darling daughters. Lily has stolen his heart with her first warm smile, but he’s cautious about bringing another woman into his girls’ lives due to the harshness of their own mother.
     Can Edric forgive Lily her past to take hold of a promising chance at love?

THE WIDOW'S PLIGHT is now available in ebook and paperback.

#ChristianRomance #HistoricalRomance #Romance

MARY DAVIS is a bestselling, award-winning novelist of over two dozen titles in both historical and contemporary themes. She has five titles releasing in 2018; "Holly & Ivy" in A Bouquet of Brides Collection in January, Courting Her Amish Heart in March, The Widow’s Plight in July, Courting Her Secret Heart September, & “Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in MISSAdventure Brides Collection in December. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of over thirty-three years and two cats. She has three adult children and one incredibly adorable grandchild. Find her online at:

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