Monday, July 3, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits: LIFE UPDATE — This & That

I’m pleased to announce that MRS. WITHERSPOON GOES TO WAR placed 3rd in the 2023 SELAH Awards Historical Romance category!

My garden has not fared as well. A major storm, that brought torrential rain, hail, and flooding in the area, pummeled everything. My tomato plants got stripped of their leaves. The stalks and a lone tomato are scarred, but the plants are struggling to come back. There was a river running down our street that started on both sides and met in the middle. There were actually some white caps in the rapids. Fortunately, no flooding touched our house.

Most of the seedlings I grew did not survived even before the severe weather. All the ones I planted out front are gone, and I have pulled up the stakes and strings for the beans and peas. The seedling I planted in the two small raised beds on the side of the house have faired a little better. Three green bean plants seem to still be alive with one hail-scarred bean, a solitary pea plant, two zucchini plants, and possibly a yellow summer squash. WooHoo!

The three small flowering bushes I plants out front are hanging in there with a handful of leaves each. However, the lavender I planted appears to be dead. I keep watering it in case the roots are still living and planning to sprout again.

Even our swamp cooler, Swampy, took damage in the storm and quit working. It got bandaged and is limping along. We are hoping it lasts through the season, and we can replace it in the off season when it will be a little cheaper.

However, my flowers are doing well.

This plant had grown up from what a previous owner had planted. I didn’t know what it was but decided not to pull it along with the other weeds a couple of months ago to see what it would turn into. It turned beautiful.

We were afraid our resident gecko, Henry, got washed down stream in the rapids. We hadn’t seen him for  over a week, but he has reappeared. He has a bend in his tail now, but otherwise seems fine. We are so happy to see him in our front yard again.

A year after I started my first Diamond Art picture, I finally finished it. It was fun to work on again. I hope to start another one soon.

On a sad note, our cat Buffy, we had for twenty & a half years, passed away with a number of health issues. She was just shy of turning twenty-one in August. She was a Norwegian Forest cat, a.k.a. Wegie or fairy cat. She was a talker, so the house is quieter without her telling us everything. You could have a conversation with to her, and she would respond with various meows, whirs, chirps, and noises. She had a good life with us, and we miss her. We are truly empty nesters now.

Praying you all have a fun and safe Fourth of July!


2023 SELAH Award 3rd Place in Historical Romance

A WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) flies a secret mission to rescue three soldiers held captive in Cuba.

Margaret “Peggy” Witherspoon is a thirty-four-year-old widow, mother of two daughters, an excellent pilot, and very patriotic. She joins the WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots). As she performs various tasks like ferry aircraft, transporting cargo, and being an airplane mechanic, she meets and develops feelings for her supervisor Army Air Corp Major Howie Berg. When Peggy learns of U.S. soldiers being held captive in Cuba, she, Major Berg, and two fellow WASPs devise an unsanctioned mission to rescue them. With Cuba being an ally in the war, they must be careful not to ignite an international incident. Order HERE!

MARY DAVIS, bestselling, award-winning novelist, has over thirty titles in both historical and contemporary themes. Her latest release is THE LADY’S MISSION. Her other novels include THE DÉBUTANTE'S SECRET
(Quilting Circle Book 4) THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (The Quilting Circle Book 3) is a Selah Award Winner. Some of her other recent titles include; The Widow’s Plight, The Daughter's Predicament, “Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in The MISSAdventure Brides Collection , Prodigal Daughters Amish series, "Holly and Ivy" in A Bouquet of Brides Collection, and "Bygones" in Thimbles and Threads. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of thirty-seven years and one cat. She has three adult children and three incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:

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