Monday, May 11, 2009


I have been trying for 10 years to grow fruit trees in my backyard. I have not had much luck. They seem to do well the first year, but don't come back the next year. Then I rip them up and plant a new tree. Last year my two new cherry trees came back and I had one whole cherry on one of them. I was so excited. My first fruit. It tasted delicious! And this year all but one tree came back (It wasn't one of the fruit trees).

My two cherry trees have blossoms on them! I'm so excited. I'm hoping for more than one cherry this year. I can't wait.

I have this pathetic dwarf apple tree that has been struggling for 10 years. It will grow and leaf for a couple of years and then the branches and trunk will die and not leaf, but up from the ground shoots a new trunk and we start all over again. It's done that 3 or 4 times. My two-year-old cherry trees are bigger than the 10-year-old apple tree. Maybe some day I'll get to taste an apple from it.

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