Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday Tidbits: 2020 GOALS

Last week I gave guidelines on how to set goals. Now, I’ll tell you some of my 2020 goals. I won’t bore you with all of them, because they are many, so you’ll notice that the numbers skip. I set not only big goals, but small ones as well. Most of my goals are writing ones as I only have myself to keep me on task and on target.

Here we go!

1. I will Finish Writing Two 85,000 Word Novels or Something Better.

~The first of the two novels I need to complete this year is the 4th novel in my historical The Quilting Circle series, titled The Debutante’s Secret. Since it’s due by the end of the year, I must meet this goal. I have a little over 19,000 words written so far, so it won’t take 85,000 to finish it, more like 66,000.

~The second novel isn’t as firm of a commitment. I’m proposing a contemporary romance series, and if it gets contracted, I’ll work on finishing book 1 in that series. I have just under 19,000 on that one, so again 66,000 should get me to the word count I need.

~If the contemporary series doesn’t get contracted, then I’ll start in on the 5th book in The Quilting Circle series, working title The Benefactress’s Mission.

3. I will Create 3+ Videos for Mountain Brook Ink’s YouTube Channel or Something Better.

~My publisher wants its authors to create short videos about ourself, our book, our book’s setting, do a reading, etc. to put on their YouTube channel. I haven’t a clue as to how to do this, so my learning curve will be steep. Like straight up a 90 degreased cliff.

6. I will Complete HHH Posts by the 10th of Each Month or Something Better.

~I contribute to the Heroes, Heroines, and History blog (HHH) once a month. I’m usually working on my post right up until the deadline. It’s stressful waiting until the last minute. So I’ve pushed up the deadline by about a week so I’m not so stressed. Hopefully, by setting this new deadline for myself, it will help me. But time will tell.

8. I will Participate in April and July CampNaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo in November or Something Better.

~NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Each year in November, thousands of writers all over the world make a mad dash to write 50,000 words in 30 days. That’s a lot of words and there’s a bit of a holiday in there. It’s a lot of words, but it can be done. I’ve won some years and haven’t others. Notice my goal says “participate” not win. If I write 50,000 words or less than 50,000 words, I can still meet this goal by participating.

~April and July are “Camp” months where writers set their own goal. That can be words, pages, amount of time, etc. Writers can create a cabin and invite their friends to join them so everyone can encourage each other. Low pressure and a lot of fun. A good way to get your feet wet with NaNoWriMo.

~Participating in NaNoWriMo helps me accomplish goals 1 & 13.

13. I will Write More Words in 2020 than in 2019 (120,740) or Something Better.

~If I meet goal number 1, which will be over 130,000, this should be no problem.

Extra: One of my non-writing goals is, I will Walk 20 Minutes 3 Times a Week or More.

~As an author, I do a LOT of sitting. I keep telling myself, that I’ll walk, but before I know it, the sun has set and I’ve hardly moved. NOT GOOD. I chose 3 days a week, even though I want it to be more, because I figure that even on a busy week or if something else comes up, I can still succeed. So far, I’m on track. =0)

I hope you all are successful in meeting your goals this year!

THIMBLES AND THREADS: 4 Love Stories Are Quilted Into Broken Lives

Love Stitched into Four Women’s Lives
Enjoy four historical romances that celebrate the arts of sewing and quilting. When four women put needle and thread to fabric, will their talents lead to love? #thimblesandthreadscollection
Click HERE to order yours today.
FREE Preview
“Bygones” by Mary Davis
Texas, 1884
Drawn to the new orphan boy in town, Tilly Rockford soon became the unfortunate victim of a lot of Orion Dunbar’s mischievous deeds in school. Can Tilly figure out how to truly forgive the one who made her childhood unbearable? Now she doesn’t even know she holds his heart. Can this deviant orphan-train boy turned man make up for the misdeeds of his youth and win Tilly’s heart before another man steals her away?

Other stories in this collection:
“The Bridal Shop” by Grace Hitchcock, “Mending Sarah’s Heart” by Suzanne Norquist, and “Binding Up Wounds” by Liz Tolsma

THE DAUGHTER'S PREDICAMENT (Book 2 in the Quilting Circle series)
FREE Preview
Can a patient love win her heart?

As Isabelle Atwood’s romance prospects are turning in her favor, a family scandal derails her dreams. While making a quilt for her own hope chest, Isabelle’s half-sister becomes pregnant out of wedlock and Isabelle--always the unfavored daughter--becomes the family sacrifice to save face. Despite gaining the attention of a handsome rancher, her parents are pressuring her to marry a man of their choosing to rescue her sister’s reputation. A third suitor waits silently in the wings, hoping for his own chance at love. Isabelle ends up with three marriage proposals, but this only further confuses her decision.

A handsome rancher, a stranger, and an unseen suitor are all waiting for an answer.  Isabelle loves her sister, but will she really allow herself to be manipulated into a marriage without love? Will Isabelle capitulate and marry the man her parents wish her to, or will she rebel and marry the man they don’t approve of? Or will the man leaving her secret love poems sweep her off her feet?

#ChristianRomance #HistoricalRomance #Romance

MARY DAVIS s a bestselling, award-winning novelist of over two dozen titles in both historical and contemporary themes. Her 2018 titles include; "Holly and Ivy" in A Bouquet of Brides Collection (January), Courting Her Amish Heart (March), The Widow’s Plight (July), Courting Her Secret Heart (September), “Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in The MISSAdventure Brides Collection (December), and Courting Her Prodigal Heart (January 2019). Coming in 2019, The Daughter's Predicament (May) and "Bygones" in Thimbles and Threads (July). She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of over thirty-four years and two cats. She has three adult children and two incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:

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