Monday, December 11, 2023


My publisher is asking me again to get reviews for this boxed set. They need reviews to be able to purchase certain ads. If you have read any of the books in this collection, would you please consider leaving a review for it on Amazon, BookBub, and/or GoodReads. It is not necessary for you to have read them all. Merely review whatever one you have read. Even if you copy and paste from a previous review you posted. This industry revolves around reviews. Thank you sooooo much!

Here is the link:

I’m so excited that my publisher decided to release books 1-4 of my The Quilting Circle series in a boxed set.

It is aptly titled The Quilting Circle Series.

Here is an overview:
Book 1: The Widow's Plight
When Lily Lexington Bremmer arrives in Kamola with her young son, she’s reluctant to join the social center of her new community, the quilting circle, but the friendly ladies pull her in. She begins piecing a sunshine and shadows quilt because it mirrors her life. She has a secret that lurks in the shadows and hopes it doesn’t come out into the light. Will her secrets cast shadows on her bright future?

Widower Edric Hammond and his father are doing their best to raise his two young daughters. He meets Lily and her son when they arrive in town and helps her find a job and a place to live. Lily resists Edric’s charms at first, but finds herself falling in love with this kind, gentle man and his two darling daughters. Lily has stolen his heart with her first warm smile, but he’s cautious about bringing another woman into his girls’ lives due to the harshness of their own mother. Can Edric forgive Lily her past to take hold of a promising chance at love?

Book 2: The Daughter's Predicament
As Isabelle Atwood’s romance prospects are turning in her favor, a family scandal derails her dreams. While making a quilt for her hope chest, Isabelle’s half-sister becomes pregnant out of wedlock and Isabelle--always the unfavored daughter--becomes the family sacrifice to save face. Despite gaining the attention of a handsome rancher, her parents are pressuring her to marry a man of their choosing to rescue her sister’s reputation.

A third suitor waits silently in the wings, hoping for his chance at love. Isabelle ends up with three marriage proposals. A handsome rancher, a stranger, and an unseen suitor are all waiting for an answer. Isabelle loves her sister, but will she really allow herself to be manipulated into a marriage without love?

Book 3: The Damsel's Intent
Nicole Waterby has lived her whole life in the hills due to her grandfather’s mistrust of people. But now he’s passed away, and Nicole is left to care for her two younger cousins. Feeling inadequate, she heads down the mountain to fetch herself a husband. She doesn’t realize women don’t wear trousers, buckskins, or carry a gun. She has a lot to learn about being a lady if she’s going to catch a husband. And the quilting circle is just the group of women to help her.

Rancher Shane Keegan has drifted from one location to another to find a place to belong. He longs to have a family of his own but feels doomed to live a life alone. When Nicole crosses his path, he wonders if he can have love, but he soon realizes she’s destined for someone better than a saddle tramp. Even though he knows there’s no future for him with the intriguing mountain girl, he still steps in to help her at every opportunity. Will love stand a chance while both Nicole and Shane try to be people they are not?

Book 4: The Débutante’s Secret
Geneviève Marseille, a French socialite, has only one purpose in coming to Kamola—stopping her brother from digging up the past. Kamola is so different from her beloved Paris that she is tempted to abort her mission, but the kindness of a handsome deputy tempers her desire to flee.

Deputy Montana has lived a simple life. But when a fancy French lady steps off the train and into his arms, his modest existence might not be enough anymore. Even though he’s warned he can have no future with Miss Marseille because her grandparents would never accept him, he is drawn to her at every turn. Can he make himself worthy of her?
Mystery surrounds Aunt Henny. She is aunt to all but related to no one in Kamola. When a nemesis from her past arrives, she must decide whether to flee, or stand her ground in the town she’s made her home and risk going to jail. When secrets come out, will the lives of Geneviève, Montana, and Aunt Henny ever be the same?


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