Monday, January 8, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits: Writing Goals: 2023 Recap & 2024 Goals


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was great. Our daughter and son-in-law flew in and our son, daughter-in-law, and three grandkiddos were all here for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Though a bit chaotic with so many in our little house, it was so wonderful to have everyone together for Christmas for the first time in eight years.

On to goals—

Some people don’t like setting goals because they feel too confining and too much pressure. For me, they help me focus, and I have something to aim for. Like the old saying goes, Shoot for the stars (or moon). You might not make it there, but you will soar higher than if you had never tried. (I couldn’t find a specific author for this variation, but it’s close to Norman Vincent Peale’s quote “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” So, I guess this version is mine, Mary Davis.)

Each goal should have the caveat attached to the end . . . “Stated goal” or something better.

So, how did I do on my 2023 goals? Overall, I’m pleased. Here is a quick recap.

2023 Goals
~~ I will Proofread & Publish 1st-Cousin-Once-Removed Mary Linn’s Novel.
    I proofread and polished this, but I didn’t get it published. I’m waiting on a photo of Mary Linn from her sister. I could have published without it, but I really want her picture with her bio. So, I’ll wait little longer.
~~ I will Write 100,000-ish words or more.
    I didn’t quite reach this one with moving, trying to unpack, and playing with my grandchildren. However, I’m pleased to have written 85,151, which includes a 50k rough draft of book 2 in my time travel series. Playing with grands was the something better. =0)
~~ I will Finish Writing Silver Bells, a Christmas Novella.
    Nope, 2023 was again not my year to finally complete this novella. But I’m more hopeful for 2024.
~~ I will Participate in NaNoWriMo in November.
    I met this goal, writing over 50k, and also participated in CampNaNoWriMo in April and July.
~~ I will Complete a Proposal.
    I didn’t complete a proposal with moving and changing agents, because mine had to step away from being an agent due to family stuff.
~~ I will Complete HHH Posts by the 10th of Each Month.
    I met this one.

Non-writing goals:
~~I will Read Through the Bible in 2023.

    I met this goal early, December 4th. Quite an accomplishment for this dyslexic gal.
~~I will Continue trying to get regular exercise by walking or running up and down the stairs as well as continuing Intermittent Fasting.
    I met this goal.

My goal to move closer to my son and grandchildren is a reality, and I’m loving it! However, my related goal to go through all the boxes did not happen. It has turned out to be an overwhelming task. But at least the upstairs is looking respectable.

My word of the year was the prefix: “Re”. Rework. Republish. Re-edit. Rewrite. Reuse. Recycle. Repurpose. Reimagine. Revisit. Recharge. Relax. And other “re” words. I think I hit about half of them. Unpacking boxes, making the main level livable, and spending time with my son and grands took precedence.

On to 2024 Goals
~~ I will Publish 1st-Cousin-Once-Removed Mary Linn’s Novel with or without a photo of her.
    I want to get this published even if I have to do it without the photo. Now that the holidays are over, I’ll contact her sister for the photo. She’s having trouble figuring out how to send it.
~~ I will Write 100,000-ish words or more.
    I’m working on my Christmas novella and want to write a rough draft of book 3 in my time travel series this year. Then maybe I can get back to the treasure hunting series I didn’t finish. After that there are so many unfinished novels and novellas that I have proposed over the years that I would like to revisit. It will be hard to choose, but I might get back to additional books in my Quilting Circle series. Time will tell.
~~ I WILL Finish Writing Silver Bells, a Christmas Novella.
    I’m going to take this to my critique group this year, so hopefully that will keep me working on it.
~~ I will Participate in NaNoWriMo in November.
    This is the same as last year. NaNoWriMo stands for NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth. Each year in November, thousands of writers all over the world make a mad dash to write 50,000 words in 30 days. My goal says “participate” not win. If I write 50,000 words or less than 50,000 words, I can still meet this goal by participating. I will also participate in CampNaNoWriMo in April and July. By setting your own goal, those are low pressure and a lot of fun. A good way to get started with NaNoWriMo.
~~ I will Complete a Proposal.
    I need to finish up my time travel series proposal, then I want to take another look at my bride series proposal to see if I want to finish it up. Then look at completing another proposal. So hopefully 3 proposals this year, but at least one.
~~ I will Complete HHH Posts by the 10th of Each Month.
    I want to continue this one. I contribute to the Heroes, Heroines, and History blog (HHH) once a month on the 23rd. It’s a lot less stressful to have posts completed early. Right now, I’m actually a few months ahead and would like to continue to be.

Non-writing goals:
~~I will Do a Bible study on the book of Revelation and one on the Holy Spirit.
    I had thought for most of 2023 that I would read through the Bible again this year, but there are these two Bible studies that are niggling at my heart to do.

~~I will Continue trying to get regular exercise by walking or by running up and down the stairs as well as continuing Intermittent Fasting.

And finally, I will Continue to go through boxes. It has been an overwhelming task. I want to get my craft room put together and arranged so I can start using it. It is still a heap of boxes. I’m itching to get down there and create.

My word for 2024? I don’t always do this, but I have a few times. I was thinking I wouldn’t have one in 2024, but then I did. This year, it didn’t come in a rush or hit me all at once. It sort of slowly crept in and whispered to me from a distance. My word is Release. I have no clue what that will entail. It could be one or more things I need to release (I have many) or something I will be released from. Perhaps even a new book release. Whatever it may be, I look forward to seeing how the Lord will work this into my life in 2024.

Do you have a word for 2024?

I hope you all are successful in meeting your goals in 2024. =0)

And I pray this year is happy and healthy, and may you find joy in the little things. =0)

For more information on how to set achievable, measurable, and controllable goals, you can reference my blog post on it HERE.



Historical Romance Series

By Mary Davis

THE WIDOW’S PLIGHT (Book1) – Will a secret clouding a single mother’s past cost Lily her loved ones?

THE DAUGHTER’S PREDICAMENT (Book2) *SELAH & WRMA Finalist* – As Isabelle’s romance prospects turn in her favor, a family scandal derails her dreams.

THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (Book3) *SELAH Winner* – Nicole heads down the mountain to fetch herself a husband. Can she learn to be enough of a lady to snag the handsome rancher?

THE DÉBUTANTE’S SECRET (Book4) – Complications arise when a fancy French lady steps off the train and into Deputy Montana’s arms.


MARY DAVIS, bestselling, award-winning novelist, has over thirty titles in both historical and contemporary themes. Her latest release is THE LADY’S MISSION. Her other novels include THE DÉBUTANTE'S SECRET (Quilting Circle Book 4) THE DAMSEL’S INTENT (The Quilting Circle Book 3) is a SELAH Award Winner. Some of her other recent titles include; THE WIDOW'S PLIGHT, THE DAUGHTER'S PREDICAMENT, “Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in The MISSAdventure Brides Collection, Prodigal Daughters Amish series, "Holly and Ivy" in A Bouquet of Brides Collection, and "Bygones" in Thimbles and Threads. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.

Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of thirty-seven years and one cat. She has three adult children and three incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:
Books2Read Newsletter Blog FB FB Readers Group Amazon GoodReads BookBub


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