Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Growing up, I was the youngest of four. I had a sister three years older than me, one four years older, and a brother five years older. So when it came to what we watched on TV as kids, my vote was rarely ever counted.

Unlike nowadays, we couldn’t go off into separate rooms and watch whatever we wanted. Watching TV was a family event. One television with four channels (ABC, NBC, CBS, & PBS). And TV wasn’t 24/7. When the last show ended for the evening, there was a toned and symbol shown to signal that the entertainment was concluded for the night. With so much to choose from, was it any wonder that we fought over what to watch?  =0)

Being the youngest, I watched whatever my older siblings were watching after school, which often meant what our older brother wanted to watch. Which meant if I wanted to watch TV, I watched programs that were above my age. I did not want to be left out.

When I mentioned one of these shows, Here Come The Brides that came out in the late sixties, to a friend, she wondered how I could possibly remember it because I couldn’t have been old enough. True, I likely wouldn’t have chosen it if I was in control of the TV, but I wasn’t. So, I grew up loving Here Come The Brides. And I was old enough to appreciate that Bobby Sherman was a cutie.

My sisters, the neighbor girls, and I would march through the neighborhood, down the middle of the street arm in arm, singing the theme song at the top of our lungs. Somewhere in the second half of it, no one could quite remember all the words, so we started mumbling, hoping the person next to us could carry the song until we came to words we all knew again. Invariably, we would start laughing and start the whole thing over. Here’s a link to that theme song.

Another show that was over my age is one I should NOT have been allowed to watch . . . (Cue eerie music and say in a foreboding voice) Dark Shadows (Cue a woman’s scream). I’m not talking about the 2012 Johnny Depp movie, nor the 1990s remake. I’m talking about the 1960s super-creepy version. Super creepy to a little kid that is. That Barnabas Collins was scaaaaaaaaaaaaryyyyyyy. I watched the opening title to the sixties show on YouTube, and though it’s nothing special and shows nothing scary, the eerie music ingrained in my five-year-old brain still triggers that creepy feel from when I was young.

Where Here Come The Brides was benign and light (and had heartthrob Bobby Sherman), Dark Shadows was creepy and, well, dark. Hence the name. What else would you expect from a vampire show. Not exactly appropriate viewing material for a five-year-old. It even scared my sister who was four years older than me. Not sure about my other sister and brother. Probably not my brother. He didn’t scare easily.

I’m in the process of watching Here Come The Brides and am fully enjoying it. And, Bobby Sherman is still a cutie. At least the 1960s version. I don’t know what he looks like now and don’t want to. To me, he’ll be eternally the 1960s version.

New Release:
COURTING HER AMISH HEART is a contemporary romance, the first in the Prodigal Daughters series.
A doctor or an Amish wife? She can choose to be only one…
Kathleen Yoder comes home after fourteen years in the Englisher world. Practicing medicine means sacrifice—no Amish man will want a doctor for a wife. Widowed Noah Lambright offers a cottage as her new clinic, seeing how much Kathleen’s skills can help their community. But as their friendship deepens, could love and family become more than a forbidden dream?

#ChristianRomance #HistoricalRomance #Romance

MARY DAVIS is a bestselling, award-winning novelist of over two dozen titles in both historical and contemporary themes. She has five titles releasing in 2018; "Holly & Ivy" in A Bouquet of Brides Collection in January 2018, Courting Her Amish Heart in March 2018, The Widow’s Plight in July 2018, Courting Her Secret Heart September 2018, & “Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in MISSAdventure Brides Collection in December 2018. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of over thirty-three years and two cats. She has three adult children and one incredibly adorable grandchild. Find her online at:

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