Thursday, September 13, 2018


In honor of COURTING HER SECRET HEART, the second in my Prodigal Daughters series, released this month and in honor of the main character being named after my sister Deborah (Deb or Debbie), I thought it would be fun to interview her about one of my backlist titles.

ME: What did you think when your little sister first started writing books?

DEBBIE: At first I was surprised. Then the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. Kath and I were close in age, but you being three years younger than me were often left out and had to entertain yourself. You are the most creative of all of us kids, and I am very proud and in awe of you.

ME: I surprised myself to be writing books. Finding reading difficult growing up, I never aspired to being an author. Although, I did alway love to make up stories and had characters running around in my head. I found out as an adult that I’m dyslexic. Dyslexia was a huge contributing factor to why reading was difficult for me, but I believe it is also a huge contributing factor in my creativity.

What is one of your favorite books that I’ve written? What is it about?


Alice can’t trust another man.
     Alice Dempsey’s husband squandered the family’s money. When he died, he left her destitute and solely responsible for her aging grandfather, younger brother, and toddler son. Debt forces the family to move to a Seattle tenement. When Alice is fired from her job, she becomes desperate. Will she and her family end up on the streets?
     Ian MacGregor has loved Alice from afar for months, but he can’t get past the wall of formality she has built around herself. When he learns of her job loss, he offers her employment in his pharmacy. She turns him down, suspicious of his motives. But when her younger brother gets into serious trouble and Ian is the only one who can help, Alice warily allows him into their lives.
     Will Alice find love where she least expects it? Or will this uncertain alliance prove her fears of betrayal true?

ME: What made this story stand out to you?

DEBBIE: The grandfather in this story is named after our father. Also, I have always been intrigued with Underground Seattle, and this story brought back memories of touring some of it.

ME: I like to put family members and friends into my stories when it makes sense. That’s the reason I named the main character of my most recent release, COURTING HER SECRET HEART, after you.

I’ve been on a couple of the Underground Seattle tours. They are fun. Each one highlighted a little different aspect of this underground treasure. I want to go again.

What did you take away from this story?

DEBBIE: Trust in the Lord. He has great plans for our lives. Ian needed to trust the Lord to lead Alice to him since the Lord had put her in his heart. Alice needed to trust the Lord to provide for her and her family.

ME: What is your favorite part of this story?

DEBBIE: I like the line in chapter seven that says, “The friends you choose can guide your life. They can take you in a good direction . . . or a bad one.” This is so true and should be drilled into every child’s head.

ME: I wrote that? Hmm, I don’t remember that. Often, the characters become so real that they speak for themselves, and I’m just madly trying to type as fast as they talk in my head. They surprise me with what they say. And they sometimes take stories in a direction I hadn’t planned.

If I were to write a sequel, which character/s would you like to see featured? Why that character? What do you think it might be about?

DEBBIE: Conner Jackson: I would like to know his backstory and have him find love.
ME: Fortunately for you and everyone else, Conner does have his own story in THE CAPTAIN’S WIFE, book 2 in this series. I’ll highlight it next month in my ThrowBACKLIST Thursday.

Anything else you’d like to tell us about this story?

DEBBIE: I liked your incidental/minor characters. Tiny, the intelligent Great Dane and his loyalty to Fred the terrier. Finn, the drifter, sharing what little he has with friends. Marjorie and Sally, servants, risking their jobs to do what was right.

ME: I love putting animals in my stories. They can add so much, teach us things, and be an 
avenue for humor. Finn drifts through books 2 & 3 of this series as well. In book 3, RECKLESS ROGUE, we find out his backstory and a little bit of a resolution to his life.

Besides the UNCERTAIN ALLIANCE being sold by itself, all three of these historical Washington State stories are in a single volume title CASCADES. I’ll be highlighting books 2 & 3 in October and November.



A Prodigal Daughters story, Book 2

Caught between two worlds…Deborah Miller lives a double life as an Amish woman—and a fashion model! All photography is forbidden in her Plain community, so she must keep her job a secret. But when Amos Burkholder starts helping at her family’s farm, hiding the truth from him is impossible. And soon she must choose between the Englisher world of modeling and the Amish man she’s come to love.

Book 3 in the Prodigal Daughters series due to release January 2019, COURTING HER PRODIGAL HEART

THE WIDOW'S PLIGHT ~ A sweet historical romance that will tug at your heart. This is book 1 in the Quilting Circle series.
Washington State, 1893
     When Lily Lexington Bremmer arrives in Kamola with her young son, she’s reluctant to join the social center of her new community, the quilting circle, but the friendly ladies pull her in. She begins piecing a sunshine and shadows quilt because it mirrors her life. She has a secret that lurks in the shadows and hopes it doesn’t come out into the light. Dark places in her past are best forgotten, but her new life is full of sunshine. Will her secrets cast shadows on her bright future?
     Widower Edric Hammond and his father are doing their best to raise his two young daughters. He meets Lily and her son when they arrive in town and helps her find a job and a place to live. Lily resists Edric’s charms at first but finds herself falling in love with this kind, gentle man and his two darling daughters. Lily has stolen his heart with her first warm smile, but he’s cautious about bringing another woman into his girls’ lives due to the harshness of their own mother.
     Can Edric forgive Lily her past to take hold of a promising chance at love?

THE WIDOW'S PLIGHT is now available in ebook and paperback.

#ChristianRomance #HistoricalRomance #Romance

MARY DAVIS is a bestselling, award-winning novelist of over two dozen titles in both historical and contemporary themes. She has five titles releasing in 2018; "Holly & Ivy" in A Bouquet of Brides Collection in January, Courting Her Amish Heart in March, The Widow’s Plight in July, Courting Her Secret Heart September, & “Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in MISSAdventure Brides Collection in December. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of over thirty-four years and two cats. She has three adult children and two incredibly adorable grandchildren. Find her online at:

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