Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wordy Wednesday: Sally

This post took a turn I never could have foreseen, but it was fun. =0)

1. An action of rushing or bursting forth
2. a) A brief outbreak: outburst
    b) A witty or imaginative saying: quip
3. A venture or excursion usually off the beaten track: jaunt

1. To rush out
2. To set out

First known use 1560

Also a girl's name meaning: Princess
A familiar form of Sarah

Say what?

I never would have guessed that Sally was a form of Sarah. I was talking about this very thing last week with a couple of friends. How do some of these names become nicknames of others? Like Sally for Sarah. They are still both two syllables, so why change Sarah to Sally? Or John to Jack?

I can see how we get Rick from Richard, but what about Dick? Betsy from Elizabeth? I can sort of see Bill from William, but why not go by Will?

Who decided that Jack is a universal nickname for John? And Evan can also be a form of John according to my baby name book.  Except for the letter "n" and each having four letters in them, they have nothing in common.

I'm all for creative naming. I tease that in our family, we only name our pets so that we have something to deviate from. We rarely ever called our pets by their official name. We had a cat we named Scooter. Can you guess our nickname for him? Scoot? No. Scooty? No. Coot? No. Let me save you some time. We called him Nupen or The Pen. I know what you're thinking. They don't even have any letters in common. At the time, we sort of logically got from Scooter to Nupen, but I can't remember what it was. Or maybe it was illogically.

Sometimes this is how I am with a word or an idea. I start in one place and think I'm heading down a certain path, and before I know it, I've ended up someplace entirely different and wonder how I got here. From Sally to Nupen. Yep, that makes sense.

So sally forth, or should it be sarah forth? Hmmm?

“Holly & Ivy,” my #HistoricalRomance novella in A #BouquetOfBrides, takes place
in 1890, in Washington State. It’s about a young woman who accompanies her impetuous younger sister on her trip across the country to be a Christmas mail-order bride and is helped by a gallant stranger. 

#ChristianRomance #HistoricalRomance #Romance

MARY DAVIS is an award-winning novelist of over two dozen titles in both historical and contemporary themes. She has five titles releasing in 2018; "Holly & Ivy" in A Bouquet of Brides Collection in January 2018, Courting Her Amish Heart in March 2018, The Widow’s Plight in July 2018, Courting Her Secret Heart September 2018, & “Zola’s Cross-Country Adventure” in MISSAdventure Brides Collection in December 2018. She is a member of ACFW and active in critique groups.
Mary lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of over thirty-three years and two cats. She has three adult children and one incredibly adorable grandchild. Find her online at:
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